Why is John Nagl so utterly HOT? Is it because he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford? Is it because he wrote a chapter in the new Army Field Manual 3-24, Counterinsurgency? NO - it's because he's so good at flirting. Flirting - the ability to make other people think you like them by using witty turns of phrase and shooting meaningful looks - is a skill that is in short supply these days in Washington DC. In fact, there is a distinct lack of charm inside the Beltway where people are always looking over your shoulder at cocktail parties to see if MORE IMPORTANT PEOPLE are in the room. The lack of charm in Washington DC is one of the worst legacies of the neo-cons - I mean, has Dick Cheney EVER his whole life tried to make witty conversation with a woman while holding a martini glass in his hand? I DOUBT it. Hanging out with Dick Cheney is more fun than being bitten by a monkey…or maybe the monkey would be more fun. Whatever. The point is that John Nagl is pretty good at making you feel that YOU are the most fabulous person in the room, which is why he deserves the CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF CHARM!