Why is David Petraeus so totally HOT? Is it because he’s one of the most powerful men in the world? Is it because he was one of the few successful commanders in OIF? NO – it’s because he has excellent posture. Posture – the ability to stand up straight – is a very important quality in a man. My 65 year old yoga instructor once who told the class that posture is the first thing she looks for in a man, and girls: she was right! Petraeus has impressively good posture, especially considering that he was once shot in the chest during a training accident…and his knees are all busted up from jumping out of airplanes…and no doubt, he has some serious spinal cord compression. Thus, the fact that he can stand up straight is really SEXY! Wow, what a guy! Now, there are those Petraeus-watchers who say that his posture was much better about 15 years ago, and that he’s looking a little hunched over these days. No doubt, that’s because of the STRESS entailed by being the most powerful man in the world. (A little yoga might fix that, come to think of it....) But whatever, a little hunch never really bothered me too much, in fact, it’s kind of cute. This fact has not been lost on his adoring female fans. And, yes, Dave has a LOT of fans. One of his biggest fans is Sarah Sewell of the Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, who wrote in a recent op-ed, “If anyone can save Iraq, it's David H. Petraeus, the ultimate can-do general.” A man with posture like that can do it to me anytime!