Why is HR McMaster so totally HOT? Is it because he won a silver star for bravery in Operation Desert Storm? Is it because he wrote a totally rockin' book called Dereliction of Duty? NO – it’s because he has a voice like he’s been drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes since he was a cub scout. That’s right, girls – a man’s voice is VERY important, especially when he’s whispering sweet nothings in your ear about the failures of the Vietnam War or strategic options in Iraq. Then, there’s the other thing about HR – no, it’s not the fact that he only has initials instead of a name – it’s his BALD HEAD! Okay, there are some women who just need to run their fingers through a man’s hair to get all hot and bothered, and then there are others who became sexually fixated on Telly Savalas at a young age. Me personally, I think a BALD HEAD is the ultimate PHALLIC SYMBOL. And HR has a very nicely shaped head -- just look at him!