Why is Dave Kilcullen so totally, spankingly HOT? Is it because he's an Australian Army officer with a PhD in anthropology and operational experience in multiple theaters? Is it because he gives full body contact hugs? Is it because he was instrumental in Petraeus' surge strategy in Iraq? Is it because he's staggeringly, humiliatingly brilliant? NO. The real reason Dave Kilcullen is totally bewilderingly, cave-smokingly hot is that his surplus masculinity allows him to wear pink ties and seersucker suits with no sense of foppish shame!!!! Dave is the only person in Washington who can make an Italian table cloth shirt look like a fashion three-hour tour, as opposed to a fashion shipwreck.... Lady Killer!!!! Now, when the Diva first met Dave, she wondered naturally, whether he wore his holster on the left or the right... but it quickly became apparent that Dave has so much hoo-0-ah juice that females naturally bend over and expose their back-seamed fishnet stockings for his delectation and approval. And while many external observers assume that Dave is motivated by some grand, patriotic vision of the democratic future of Western civilization, the Diva knows the truth: as Dave has so cogently reminded us "this little global war to defend civilization against atavistic takfiro-fascism that we're having here is all about women's fashion, and personally, I am willing to die in a ditch to preserve it. The Taliban were a fashion apocalypse (burqa and clogs, a