Ladies, do you ever wonder why Marines are so freakishly HOT? And why they don't take off their clothes more often in public? The UK Royal Marines take off their clothes ALL THE TIME, no kidding. In fact, when they visit bars while on deployment (frequently), someone will yell 'Naked!' (loudly) and they all strip (quickly) -- including their knickers!!!! The USMC is, well, a little bit more prudish -- in other words, I've never seen a whole platoon of them drinking naked in a bar, which is just very disappointing. However, the nice folks at 501(c)(c) Freedom in Not Free have brought us a lovely Xmas (or birthday or Easter) gift - AMERICA'S HEROES 2007 CALENDAR!!! Sadly, these boys are still wearing their knickers -- hopefully 2008's calendar will feature BUCK-NAKED Marines!!!